Monday, 9 July 2007

A lot of rain and cowboys!

Saturday morning didn’t start so good for me. I woke up and heard a sound in my room that I didn’t recognize so I tried to figure out what it was and locate were it came from. I couldn’t figure out what it was but when I sat up in my bed I got something in my head, so I looked up. O no, there were a water leakage and it was dropping in my bed! It has been raining to much this summer so I guess that our roof had enough. I had to move my bed and put a bucket on the floor. At noon I didn’t feel so good so I had to go and take a nap. Then I saw that the drops from the ceiling had moved so it had been dropping in my bed again I got really tired of it! I had to move around my things again…

When I got up after my nap I had to make myself ready for the evening. I was going to a Western party and I didn’t want to miss it! So before I left I packed some medicine and fast energy (coke and a lot of chocolate) so that I would survive the entire evening. I was going to pick up some of my friends on the way so that we could go there together. When we got to the place we could choose if we wanted to stay and talk inside or if we wanted to go out and throw horseshoes or shoot with an air gun while we were waiting for the others to come. It didn’t rain then so I went outside to take some pictures!

When all the cowboys and Indians had come, they gathered us all again and now it was time for food. All the women had to put one shoe in a bag and the men had to take a shoe and find who it fit and that person was also the one that would sit by his side at the table. The food was good and we sang a couple of songs. That is always funny and they hade two guys singing and playing guitar’s so that was really nice. There where also a lot of shooting all evening long. To many cowboys in one place I guess!

After the food we put the tables away and my favourite part was beginning, dancing! I had never done line dancing before and that was something I hoped we would do this evening, and we did. It was really funny and I danced a lot. The time was just running while we were dancing and then it was time to ride back home…


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